
Jun 142013

i-QpGHfMsI live in Switzerland – the French part of it!

For many years I have been passionate about photography and now I spend my life taking photographs! I specialize in portraits, events, live concerts, movies (making off) and clubbing! I work actually on almost all Swiss-French festivals and events which has allowed my dream to become reality!

I use a Nikon D3S and D3X with various lenses … I also use PhotoShop, LightRoom and some 3D software …

My work is currently shot in Switzerland, but I hope to work in France soon. I love sharing my passion and experience through my photos with you and others (like group artists and theater actors).

My other passion is making photos in studio with models and let my imagination run wild!

I want to thank all of the models who helped me to learn and become better after each photo shoot and I’d also like to thank my friends who shared their studio with me. It is very well equipped. You can see it here:

Please feel free to write in my Guestbook! You critiques are always welcome!

 Posted by at 13:09